---------------------- EZSaver - version 2.2 ---------------------- Thank you for downloading EZSaver. If you haven't already, please run the Setup program (SETUP.EXE). Both the EZSaver screensaver and SPACE.SCR (which depicts the Earth and Moon as photographed by the Galileo spacecraft when it passed us for the last time on its way to Jupiter) are moved to the \WINDOWS directory by Setup. Also, a new program group is created, and three icons added to it. No other changes are made to your system by Setup. The Help file EZSAVER.HLP contains complete documentation for the program. Support: -------- Please send any questions to EZ Software at ezsoft@compuserve.com. You can expect a very prompt reply. Please send your questions or suggestions even if you are not a registered user. The technical support section of the Help file includes a section of Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) and their answers. Also, visit our Web site at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ezsoft Again, thanks for trying EZSaver. We hope you enjoy it.